It's been a while since I updated this thing. Generally, there was no need with issues being either very temporary or too small to post them here.
Lately I've been browsing the Twilight section of FFN. Truly, no other part of the website matches the abysmal stupidity and pig-headedness of members there. I'm a hopeful person that gives people several helpings of second chances, but you know how some individuals are criminal failures, as proven by the repetitive anonymous commentary this essay got on its first day and some fans' disregard of other fandoms for whatever reason. How I got to this conclusion is a long and complicated story, but its synopsis is simple. Before I begin, though, I'd like to make it with an analogy.
There are three types of sections on FFN. Ghost towns, neighborhoods and cities. Ghost towns are the easiest to describe: they are dead. Updates are scarce, there are little stories et cetera.
Small sections (say 15k stories) are like neighborhoods. There is a fixed number of people that stay, the core landlords. They are the backbone of the community with others either moving in permanently (writing alongside you for long periods of time) or renting accommodation. Those who rent basically stay in the shadow of their idols on FFN and have a short lifespan. They move from section to section without having a clear home plate. Sure, when their idols leave the website for whatever reason, they might buy the experienced author's accommodation and use the free niche to prosper. It happens often when some fans decide to prolong the work of some inactive author. Cutesy.
Neighborhoods have perks and flaws. The perk is that it's possible to spread any message via several idols effectively. Since people tend to know one another after a while, communication is fast and you get quick feedback. Another advantage is that people seem to care for one another in such sections. They make friends and gain respect as part of a fixed group. Sadly, that very glue that bonds the community can be an obstruction. When a certain policy/decision/reform is put against an idol, the whole community might start an uproar in support. Stubbornness and inability to accept certain publicly useful decisions (because the benefit to the idol is smaller than that of the public [people are selfish]) can lead to stagnation when it comes to quality of housing (posted stories). One more issue can be found when a person wants to enter the community. When you're that new guy at a party where everyone else is friends with all except you, it might be tough to enter the circle. You're not with the in crowd, so you stay shunned.
Now we reach the question of big sections or cities. I consider Naruto, Harry Potter and Twilight writers the most prominent examples of city folk. A city has LOTS of people. The people rarely interact and you don't notice many strangers in its streets. It's very easy to disappear, blend into the crowd in a city. Likewise, it's easy to find friends in one because city dwellers are lonely. This lack of integration and being scattered into tiny isolated groups makes people very sensitive to communication. That's a definite perk. It's a lot easier to find like-minded people in a city section than a neighborhood. However, it's very difficult to gain sufficient leverage in a city for anything at all since most people will not notice you. Example: by the time you click and review one story on the front page, it's already on page two. This way, a lot of things remain in the shade, and you never know what exactly you have missed. Maybe a gem waiting to be discovered or a guy with a knife waiting to butcher your eyes. Cities are dangerous places. Crime and filth can call them a safe haven, though. The more people, the easier to find a sucker to rob. If you die, chances are nobody will care. In a neighborhood, everyone would mourn you. This is one of the reasons why inhabitants of cities (people who write mainly in those sections) end up depressed and their creative health deteriorates to animalistic urges. Why try to have a nice friendly home when you can open a whore house and reap benefits from sad individuals? Not a question.
Some of you are probably curious why I've gotten through such an extensive visual tirade. I'm a critic. I review fictions with the goal of attaining a higher level of literary quality in a section. My home plate, Sonic the Hedgehog, was successful in that sense. How come? It's a neighborhood. Yes, it was a bit difficult at first with idols opposing critique, having been used to pure praise and nothing less, but eventually constructive criticism became a standard. Now it's a beautiful sight: people are not afraid to speak their mind! When someone posts an outright abusive story, they don't get censored greeting cards and flowers, but what they deserve. It's a marvelous example of community spirit with central values. Improvement and quality are just a few of them. Branching into other neighborhoods (like Pokemon) also proved itself a worthwhile experience. Changes have occurred there, too. That's the power of change one person carries.
And now we reach Twilight, the big city, and a peeve one person cannot physically contain. I can't even start explaining how horrid the experience of a critic is in those parts. In a neighborhood, there is a certain standard of respect. People try to mirror one's levelheaded reviews and ask intelligent questions. Moreover, account age is also a factor people consider before making judgments. Not the best way of evaluating something, but it works. In a city, there is none of that. Any 12-year-old that is not of legal age to write on FFN will subject any random critic to verbal abuse for as much as touching the issue of spelling and effort. The sensitivity and personal intake of critical messages make communication downright impossible.
The typical conversation goes somewhat like this:
- review
- angry response with 'don't read if you don't like + this is my story + i write what i want'
- my reply of 'i can't like/dislike a story without reading it first + respecting readers is a core value for a writer + guidelines prevent anarchy'
- the recipient's message 'i don't care what u think + i saw worse stories'
- my post with 'you're typing so much text telling me you don't care it sounds like you care + it's best to use better stories as an example, not worse ones'
- the already mad author 'i have a difficult life: my mother is a drunk + i really don't care what you think about me not caring (in 5 sentences)'
- the finisher 'you have written me more text saying you don't care than it is necessary to fix your whole story'
- the critic is blocked
It's impossible to approach them with kindness because the recipient merely starts laughing. And, generally, all conversation ends up in a standstill with excuses. The issue becomes absurd when some nihilist poster decides that script is legal here because nobody told them it wasn't. My reasoning is as simple as lying about one's age to start writing. Guidelines are accepted and read before posting. One should have enough boldness and tactlessness to ignore them to start with. Now, ignoring the call to change the outlawed story before it is too late is out of any logical frame.
Ironically, an abuse report is as potent on a small story as it is on a long scripted epic. The posters of the latter tend to think because their story has a few more reviews than the next fiction (that is legal), they are above the law and can post just about anything for drones that copy/paste reviews from one story to the next. Seriously, when you get a one-liner review, chances are the person never read the story at all.
Abuse reports take time to write for any individual upload. For big cities where crime remained unpunished for a long time, that is also quite a labour-taking task. In Twilight, I have seen stories that stand next to poison in terms of the message they bring. Those fictions get praise, naturally. They are copied and that poison spreads. Eventually, one comes to the realisation that the whole fandom is going downhill via numerous negligent posters that consider writing about shallow topics the best medicine for impopularity. During a single brief visit in the Twilight section, I have found that the authors consider the following legal:
First updates page infractions:
- author's notes for multiple chapters
- author's note chapters to avenge criticism
- scripted author's note chapters
- two-liner author's note chapters
- MA incest
- MA vore (cannibalism for sexual pleasure)
- MA sadism/masochism
- MA child molestation
- MA exhibitionism
- MA violence, including decapitation
- MA paraphilias
- MA titles
- MA summaries
- spam chapters
- scripted chapters
- IM chapters
- centred script chapters
- unchaptered script
- character submission interactivity
- idea submission interactivity
- voting interactivity
- advertising interactivity
- aggressive disregard to proper language
- aggressive disregard to structure and format
- aggressive formating in bold and/or italics
- all-capitals titles
- all-capitals summaries
- spam summaries
- duplicate posts
- plagiarism
Et cetera.
Since I'm unused to such volume of wrongness thrown at me in a single day, I asked myself the logical question: "How could this happen?!" The website has quality control, so where are the moderators looking, too. No matter. One can complain only after taking significant action.
The difficulty with acting in the Twilight environment is that communication is stilted in a city. One removed story makes a drop in the sea of filth. Users have gotten so bold as to advertise openly sexual innuendos and pornographic content right in their summaries on a teenage domain. Not only is this immoral and wrong, but also shows how...uneducated are the actual writers there. And all of them use the same excuse of having seen worse stories. My eyes were ready to explode when a thirteen-year-old posted a story with a woman diving on a 20-inch penis. Children of that age are not old enough to read their own works. For a psychiatrist, Twilight is a goldmine of various pathologies and disorders. I have actually yet to read a story void of swearing and emotional negativity there. The material available there is plainly dangerous.
What upsets me the most is the hedonism found in an increasing amount of new members' writing. I can't call it creative fiction or fiction at all. Stories start off with explanations of boredom and things being average. Then comes the perfectly undescribed painless sex scene with no sense of proportion. Advertising of one's videos, websites and hogwash comes next. The whole page looks like an assortment of scripted speeches with 'he said' slapped at the side. Story after story, it looks equally bland. The mainstream posters (not writers!) don't strive to feed one's soul. They just want to take. Page hits, reviews, attention, popularity. There is no giving. No sharing.
Something of a virus is easily found in uploads at Twilight. Members do not feel the need to write descriptions. No. They merely post links to pictures of objects/characters inside the story (for instance: The first time I've found a post like that, I gawked for a while. Some rummaging later, one could notice it's not a rare phenomenon. When I looked at the guidelines, I didn't even know which infraction was it. The level of utterly miserable literary failure was so unfathomable, so impenetrably deep that one's logics need to create a wholly new toolkit to manage a response.
And they get praise.
And they believe the praise is well-deserved.
I shuddered. Despite the grim outlook, things are salvageable. What one person cannot swallow, a group can easily share. The fact a city establishment makes it easy to bring a reform up to particular members plays into the hands of authors that actually try to write. Honestly, why do people break the guidelines? To get better stats. What are the results? Quality stories are drained of attention and disappear in the sea of dirt. That said, it is field day for a reviewer to do just about anything to make the gems more noticeable and drain the mud. Medicine tends to be bitter, and nobody asks the virus about its reflections on the matter.
That's why it's my pleasure to present you the Literate Union, an organisation willing to help deliver the vaccine. See, ladies and gentlemen, there are people that want to make change. They can make change. And they will. How do I know this? If one person can protect several thousand people from neighborhood poison, one group can protect a city full of inhabitants.
It's a positive note for the otherwise moody essay. Things may be bad there. Heck, a hundred stories worth erasing probably popped up in Twilight during production of the previous few paragraphs. But it's a trend. And trends are not made of concrete.
Anyone curious about the Literate Union can find its members here:
Have a nice, abuse-free day.
P.S. I'm not in the Literate Union. Misguided comments are misguided.
P.P.S. The conclusion is: tons of stories were removed since February. The angry illegal content addicts had to move, receiving no leverage or support from the owners. Don't underestimate your critics.
you disgust me.
ReplyDeletedo you not have anything better to do with your time than report stories you don't like?
this is FANFICTION. people aren't trying to write literary classics. they are writing FOR FUN. why are you trying to take the fun out of it? no one is being harmed by these stories.
you are fighting against a fandom that has raised over $100,000 in charity with these fics you are reporting.
go get a fucking life.
I am reading this and must say that I am quite baffled. I wonder if you have a day job? If you have a life beyond ffn? If you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Hand? If not, perhaps you should obtain one of the following. I am all for regulation, however I draw the line at attacking creative expression. Why attacking? I contend that you are attacking creative expression by targeting a specific community simply because it offends your sensibilities. I am not not going to get into an argument with you, quite frankly it is a moot point. You aren't worth the time or energy that it would take to craft a well worded counter to your ridiculous hypocrisies. However, I will say that you must feel powerful seated in your living room or "office" staring at your computer screen penning fan fiction about a hedgehog. You must feel like a real man or woman when you click report, thus violating the TOS yourself. I mean really, what person has the time to do this? Of all the problems in the world and this is your cause celeb? You may think that you are doing a service, alas you are not. All you are doing is behaving like a pompous, judgmental, hypocritical, narcissistic, small minded, juvenile, pretentious, ignorant, slothful, individual with far too much time on his idle little hands. Oops.. that was a run-on sentence. Please don't report me.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for you. I truly do. Any person that takes the time out of their brief existence to champion the cause of "cleaning up fan fiction" is sorrowful soul. I admit, I read fan fiction. I tend to find that it is a mix bag. The difference between the two of us, I believe, is that I don't feel the need to enforce my personal criterion onto others. Writing is a form of expression. Writing is supposed to be about enjoyment and fun. At what point did the joy escape you? Have you forgotten that we are not discussing great literary works? We are talking about average citizens taking the chance to share their stories and hope to receive a tiny bit of praise. We are talking about men and women, kids in some cases who are creating. People sharing their ideas with the world. They aren't looking to be the next Salinger, Bronte, Shakespeare, Plath, Wolfe, or Hemingway. They are simply wanting to create. Who gives you or anyone for that matter the right to take that joy away from them?
Perhaps this is not the most eloquent or well articulated response to the drivel you composed. By the way, you misspelled organization at the end there. I also noted some grammatical errors, but who is actually paying attention. My point is that this crusade of yours is absurd. It is most likely going to be challenged. In the end, you will have accomplished little more than to anger a group of already overzealous fans who would like nothing more than to have a visible threat to target. If that is your purpose, congratulations.
Really, use that hand. Might help you out a bit.
Hattie made me laugh so hard my husband woke up and yelled.
ReplyDeleteBad, bad Hattie!!
Does your Mom know that you read literary pr0n online and then take out your repression/aggression cycle on the authors of the very thing you crave?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, while I may find you a bit over zealous, please realize this. The Twilight fandom has raised and continues to raise a lot of money for very worthy charities. Most benefit childhood cancer and it would be a travesty for these charities to lose funding like that because you are taking the joy of writing from the authors. I paid $275 for a one shot from a Twilight author and her stories were pulled. Please think about things like this as you continue this supposed crusade. This is so much bigger than you, this is bigger than me, it is about helping the one's who really need it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time...
So, which couple do you ship? Hedgehog/meerkat, or do you go toon-toon, like Sonic/Onyxia?
ReplyDeleteThat is freaking hilarious...thank you Hattie!! And to the mornon who wrote this. YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED!!! You do not fall within FFnet guidelines since your are compromising their slogan "unleash your imagination" right at the top of their home page. I am pretty sure you have also just put a bulz eye on yourself so good luck with that.
ReplyDeleteMethinks someone is either A. bitter, B. bored, C. a raging flamer for giggles, D. an attention whore deluxe, E. jealous, or F. perhaps someone who lost a wife to the world of Edward Cullen (you wouldn't be the first).
ReplyDeleteOR a combination of the above.
Seriously dude, get a life and get over yourself. I'm embarrassed for you.
OH and tell that idiot El Capitan of yours to learn the difference between who and whom. It's really quite sad that your little group touts supreme grammarian skills when they are clearly lacking.
... yeah, Hattie is right.
ReplyDeleteDon't piss on the "Twilgihters" dude.
Hattie's response will be far more articulate than mine, but I feel like every word she spoke was justifiable. What gives you the right to be a tyrant and decide which stories should be obliterated for your cause? The only true purpose you've served for yourself is to become the target of mass hate. Or perhaps that was your goal all along, to create drama because you have nothing better to do for yourself or with your time? I'm sure there are far more prolific issues that are more deserving of your time that you so undeservedly wasted by creating high school drama in a close-knit community that battles for our own. See, we as a group, a fanfiction community, have sought out ways to contribute to the troubles of the world, setting our sites to provide and better others with our cause. Doing what you have set in motion, only hinders authors from creatively expressing themselves and denying them the learning ability to grow through constructive criticism.
ReplyDeleteI'm all about rules and adhering to them, but it seems like your group only sets out to banish those that work the hardest and are loved by many. Why not seek out the more deprecative fics that I've come across?
Really? This was quite frankly ridiculous. At one point you say that in a "city" if a story is gone no one notices, that is hardly true. The twilight fandom is not one to mess with, I know of a handful you got pulled very recently and it caused HUGE waves throughout the twilight fandom. Don't underestimate us. Also, many of the stories that have large amounts of reviews DESERVE them! And a "great UD loved it. UD soon" as a review does not in fact mean the author of said comment hasn't rea the chapter. That was an idiotic thing to say. Also, many authors have Twitter accounts and live journals where fans can interact with the authors. The most known twilight fic's author has a Twitter and she talks to her followers all the time.
ReplyDeleteThis post really just shows how much time you have on your hands... Like really?? You're monitoring ffn?!?!? Really?!? Leave our damn stories alone. Stick to your little sonic the hedgehog stuff and back the fuck out of our fandom. I understand that many people are just anti-twilight and if this is you, so be it, but don't take it out on these authors and readers.
Find something better to do.
instead of worrying about the Twilight fics, why don't you waste your time reporting FICS ABOUT THE BIBLE THAT BREAK THE SAME RULES.
ReplyDeleteIn your blog, you said, "For a psychiatrist, Twilight is a goldmine of various pathologies and disorders."
ReplyDeleteAs an actual psychologist, in my professional opinion, this entire post practically reeks of insecurity, and if you were my client I would diagnose you with Borderline Personality Disorder. Look it up, you seem to be fond of thinking you know eveything.
My question is this: Why in the world would you even be reading Twilight fanfiction to begin with? You are obviously not a fan of the books, may not have ever even read them at all. Why waste valuable time and energy, both ours and yours, reading something that doesn't appeal to you in the first place and just whining about it? You aren't helping anyone out in any shape or form, including yourself. So why bother just pissing eneryone off?
Maybe I should include a diagnosis of Histrionic Personality Disorder as well. You certainly crave attention.
Every single person that has written on this page needs to get over themselves, including the blogger. And really Twidumb, using the wonderful charitable actions of the community to justify breaking the rules and creating such shit makes me sick. DO NOT bring charities into this pissing match. That is disgusting and immature.
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted by your words, Lord whoever the fuck you are. Take your Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic and shove it where the sun don't shine. I write "M" rated Twilight fanfiction. I am proudly apart of the fandom.
ReplyDeleteThe stories that are written for Twilight are beautiful. They are real life, honest and sometimes brutal. The basis of the story involves characters from a book but I assure you, Sir, that the words that are written go much deeper than that. These authors are amazing, their words shine more brightly than any other area of fanfiction. It does not make us sick. It does not make us perverted.
Rules may have been broken and for that I understand punishment. But when selfish, greedy, jealous individuals such as yourself try and sabatoge creative art it is more than obvious that it is done out of spite and jealousy. Get a fucking life.
If you hadn't noticed during your pillage to the "underworld" that is Twilight fanfiction, included in the authors notes are warnings about the contents of the story. If you don't like what you see, don't read on. It's as simple as that. No need to take a wonderfully written story that someone had given their blood sweat and tears to write and stomp on it. We are all equal, regardless of if we love Sonic the Hedgehog (seriously, that makes me laugh) or Twilight. I'd like to see you pull the same shit in every other fandom there is on Fanfiction.
When you register for an account on the website you are required to agree to the terms of service, including, reading within your age group. Don't blame us writers if there are horny 12 year olds out there that lie and say they are older than they are. I research my facts for my story at Borders bookstore. There is a section for erotic books there. Why don't you write the ownners of that coorporation and tell them to shut their fucking doors. I saw a 10 year old boy flipping thorough a titty magazing in CVS the other day, write them too while you're at it.
Fanfiction saved my life, literaly. I write "M" rated fics that are not well known. You should know that it's not just the popular authors you are offending. You are offending us all.
I will follow these amazing writers wherever they go. The blogs and websites you refer to that are posted in each chapter represent the dedication we have to our craft and to our followers. How many blogs are there out there about Sonic the Hedgehog fanfics?
You can report, bitch and complain as much as you'd like. Twilight fandom will not crumble to the "Literate Union" like you wish we would.
Get a fucking life, get a job, get laid. Whatever. If you took the time to read some of the stories that you've worked so hard to get pulled maybe you would be enlightened to the real world. People LIKE BDSM. People LIKE angst and drama and passion. The world would be boring as fuck without it. To each their own.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that these posts will make you laugh. Thats ok. Just understand that there is more to life than stalking writers on fanfiction.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the fandom you are more than welcome to contact me. I'll be writing my erotic fanfic. -Amy
All that mumbo-jumbo you wrote, and you know what I'm walking away with? Sonic the Hedgehog. I mean, really? Did we somehow time travel back into the early 1990s? I don't know who died and made you head of the morality police on, but you need a new hobby.
ReplyDeleteEveryone, plesae go to FFnet and report this person. We all have the link. I am pretty sure a lot of you have aleady done it, but in case you have not, please do so.
ReplyDeleteFor who ever wrote this. You are asking to get your ass kicked...I hope you know this. You have just offended the largest fan base in US and I am pretty sure it will not be hard for someone to locate you and make that information very public. So for your own safety I highly suggest you BACK THE FUCK OFF. The more fics you attack the more you are litearlly asking for it and when someone shows up at your fucking door to beat your ass, or someone catches you alone in a parking lot do not be surprise because I can guarnatee you its coming.
yea you totally have the right to judge Twilight fic writers, because you write Sonic fics.
ReplyDeleteIt's just fanfic dude, don't take it so seriously.
LMAO. Hattie, you are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteA competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
ReplyDeleteRobert A. Heinlein
Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness.
Naomi Campbell
Any fool knows that bravado is always a cover-up for insecurity. That's the truth. And on that note, I'll say goodnight. God love you.
Bobby Darin
Ok...whats it going to take for you to chill out dude...Sonic ramming you in the ass..would that work?????
Why do you feel the need to unleash your arrogance and negativity on our fandom? It is completely unwarranted.
ReplyDeleteOur fandom is one that is supportive of one another, encouraging, benevolent and a great thing to be a part of. I certainly feel blessed to be a Twilight fan fiction writer, reader and community member.
No matter how many stories you gift with your "constructive criticism", report or get pulled down; our fandom will survive, our friendships will strengthen and our love of things that may just happen to violate the ToS will continue long after you have tired of being pedantic and aggravating harmless people and their stories.
I feel abused reading this blogger's tirade
ReplyDeleteI am not sure where you get off making yourself and your minions the "rulers" of FFn, but you ALL have been reported. Harassing and "flaming" authors through your forum is in direct violation of FFn rules by your use of derogatory and abusive language. These statements have been taken directly from the Literate Union Forum:
ReplyDelete1. I'm in a bad mood today; if they contine to splatter their crap all over this forum, there will be some virtual blood splash here tonight. -_-
2. Semi-illiterate douches that blindly defend their leader in doing the wrong thing.
3. And besides, she's a mod. Bow down to the mods, bitch. -_- It says so in the rules that you are actually meant to read. Go to the correct thread or you'll be banned. And you don't want that now, do you?
4. Because I know Anti-Flamers love that shit.
5. Topic: Shit that Happens Here, FR SRS
6. "Your story broke the fucking rules. STFU~"
7. Still better than a dyslexic American trying to correct my mistakes. They cretiniZe.
8. That person is an imbecile. They should stay away from the internet, and social life. Petting cardboard bunnies in a room with soft walls should be the best occupation for them.
9. A list of shit fics in need of killing. Bold = deleted.
10. Seriously. -.-; This kid needs a harsh wake-up call.
11. To my dear fucktard,
If they weren't against the rules, we wouldn't report them. I am done explaining to absolute morons like you who love to see your favourite characters banging. Grow up and get a life. Get a job. Go away. You're not wanted here.
Can you tell me exactly how this is "teen" friendly? Hmmm . . . I didn't think you could, because IT IS NOTHING OF THE SORT.
As a parent, English teacher, and degreed Psychologist . . . I am very concerned about the fact that your group is ABUSING would-be writers and discouraging them from expressing their creativity. What you are doing is malicious and hateful and could have serious implications on the emotional well-being of a young writer. While my friends and I are more than able to defend ourselves and our writing, the youth have a distinct disadvantage. This makes YOU bully. Picking on those who are not necessarily able to defend themselves.
LU is a vigilante group, nothing more. It is quite pathetic that you think it's your right to ABUSE FFn writers. Myself and others in various fandoms have had enough. We will no longer sit by and allow you to attack and belittle ANY authors who post on FFn.
Good Luck . . . you're going to need it.
Dear Sir(?),
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, I'm left just as angry as everyone else leaving comments, but as per my usual, I try not to say anything unless I can be constructive and NOT hurtful.
Mostly, I'm wondering if you're familiar with The Golden Rule. It seems to me, if you hate something so much, you might just make that known by the absence of a comment/review. You make a lot of statements about "wrongness" but not all of the perceived wrong violates the rules of So, are we to assume that, beyond the site's rules, we must adhere to your own personal (questionably askew) moral compass?
You mention providing concrit to improve the fiction of poorly written stories, but some of the stories you've targeted feature impeccable grammar, written by of-age adults and boasting clear warnings regarding content. If you truly intend to be a positive, constructive influence, maybe ignoring the childish replies of authors who clearly don't want your input is a better approach.
Rules are broken, and should be reported by an individual if he/she is truly offended beyond reproach, but organizing a lynch mob to concentrate and target particular stories (for variously questionable reasons) is cultist and devoid of individual thought. You claim to be disgusted by the negativity Twilight FanFiction is breeding, but you are clearly farming it in bales. Hate always begets hate, and you are cloaking yourself in negative thoughts and vindictive actions; that will take its toll on your psyche (and seems to have already.)
Whether people want to acknowledge the synonymity of the massive amounts of fundraising which have been done in the name of the Twilight fandom and the devoted, adult readers and writers within that fandom is not important, nor does it change the reality of it; they go hand in hand. Frankly, per your rules, every story which drew me into this fandom would be removed from FanFic if you got your way, and I'm not in the minority. If we, as a group, lose the stories we CHOOSE to read and enjoy, we most likely will not disperse into other fandoms; most of us will leave all together. That directly correlates to the fundraising capacity of a group of people, who as a whole demonstrate more humble, respectful, generous and empathetic behavior than that of which you seem to be capable.
Everything is circular in life. Karma is. At the very least you are poisoning yourself with hatred. I am sad for you and even more so for the people who belong to the Twilight fandom, whom I love and respect.
I hope you are able to find a better, more constructive outlet for your pedantic verbosity.
Also, I have found better and truer friends in less than a year in the Twilight fandom than I have in my twenty-nine years otherwise. I have met these people in real life and write this mostly in defense of them. They are not wrong, ignorant, poisonous, egotistical or pig-headed. They are beautiful people, and you might see some of that beauty if you were looking them eye to eye instead of down your long, superior nose.
FYI - The Twilight saga features limbs and heads being torn from bodies and set aflame; a crowd of humans being led to a mass feeding as the main course; a nude, pregnant girl laid out in front of two men so one of them can bite into her lower abdomen; an infant biting humans and feeding from them.
As a last note, I've actually studied vampires in literature as part of my Bachelor's Degree, and they are always a metaphor for sexual deviance, social deviance or both.
I'm not posting this anonymously because I'm not afraid of small minded people and I don't make statements such as these without signing them.
Sincerely and Sadly, Anna
So what it boils down to is that you are the quintessential suburban douchebag that no one wants in their Home Owners Association. You're the guy who complains when someone else's house is painted just a little too brightly, or their flowers are just a little too tall, or their car is parked in the driveway instead of the garage.
ReplyDeleteLook, you said it yourself: you're coming at this from a small-town mindset. You're taking your rural values and superimposing them over city life, and declaring the entire city corrupt and vile. Ever stop to think that maybe it's just you?
What your small-town mind can't comprehend is that there are a multitude of communities within any city, overlapping and inter-connecting and thriving in a way that your mindset of "your grass must be exactly 2 inches tall" cannot begin to see. What you call chaos we call the frenetic, passionate pace of living in a city.
You're lashing out at the city as a whole, and not understanding that you're harming individual communities, neighborhoods that are just as valid and valuable as your little rural neighborhood. The city is a place of living on top of each other and around and over and through, rather than the arm's-length polite criticism of the suburbs.
Yes, we are a city, but we're also a unique, thriving community -- we're the Village, we're Haight-Ashbury. Your middle-America values have no place here.
I'm replying to your ill-considered diatribe using the same name I post my fanfics under, and even saved you the trouble of looking me up by providing you the URL. None of my stories violate any of your long ridiculous list of infractions, but I wouldn't particularly care if they did. I started writing Twilight fanfiction to share my love of the source material, to make friends, and to become a better writer. In the year I've been writing and the handful of months I've been participating in the community, I've done all three far more than I ever thought possible, and it's changed my life for the better.
Do I wish that my T-rated, strict-canon, no-sex-no-swearing stories got as many reviews as the sex-filled All-Human stories do? Sure. But I value my neighbors for more than the types of flowers they choose to plant in their window box. I didn't join this community so I could make sure no blade of grass was out of place, or to impose my own ideals of what "better" is onto it.
I joined this community to be a part of a complicated tapestry of vibrant, talented, friendly people, sharing a passion and creating art. Some of the art is avant garde, some of it is beautiful, some of it is sinful and depraved. But it is *our* art, not yours. So take your little HOA rules back to your little rural community, and allow us the freedom to paint our houses whatever color we want.
Oh dear. I'm not even sure where I should start with this one, but I shall. See I am a writer and a reader of Twilight fics, what you fail to understand is there normaly is a reason why fics go un noticed or recieve little reviews, that is because they don't deserve to be reviewed or are of poor quality. Why are you attacking those that show good quality work time and again and those that don't? I'm not sure you even have the brain cells to facilitate the idea that you are wrong on many levels. Jealousy is a sin, and a terrible thing to throw around at others. These people, myself included helped raise over $100,000.00 for the Haiti apeal with our works, and this is how we get repayed? By a 15 year old boy who spends far to much time in the basement feeling himself up over Hedwig and Ron slash. The stories being pulled are simply being placed elsewhere for those of us who love them, so pray tell me sir, what are you really achieving with this vile display of pure jealous?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm sure you couldn't care less what anyone from the Twilight fandom has to say in response to this, but lord help me, I'm going to say something anyway.
ReplyDeleteLook, I'm not here to scream at you, cry about what you've said, or threaten physical violence (come on ladies, I know we're classier than that). In a few of your points, I do actually agree with you.
Should people have to pay the price, i.e. being banned or having fics removed, if they violate TOS? Yes. They know the rules when they sign up. If they violate them, that's their own fault.
Are there many badly-written stories in the Twilight fandom? Yes. Of course there are plenty in other fandoms as well, but I admit that I've seen my fair-share of stories that...well, I'm not really sure why they were written in the first place, and they made me cringe.
Are there fics with VERY disturbing and disgusting material in them? Yes. Recently there was a fic about an older man raping a very young girl. Most members of the fandom reported this fic immediately and it was removed. Not everyone approves or turns a blind eye to that sort of horror.
Should many authors of this fandom be more open to concrit? Oh my goodness yes. I've seen several people leave very pleasant, unthreatening reviews for a story to point out a few spelling mistakes or grammatical errors and been ripped new ones for it. It's upsetting to know that someone just trying to help can be persecuted in such a way.
Having said all that, I do believe that several points of your essay were rude and unfounded. You have grouped the ENTIRE Twilight fandom into one group of psychotic, horny 12-year-olds that write about incest and sex in IM format. Considering I know you are a part of this fandom, and that you have actually been a judge for an Twilight award site, I'm surprised that you can honestly not think any story in this fandom is well-written and deserving of praise. Or maybe you do, but your essay definitely says otherwise. I can think of several stories off the top of my head that do not violate any TOS, do not contatin smut or violence, and are fantastic. Please, if you are going to discuss badly written stories, take the time to point out those that are good.
Also, I disagree with your policing of FFn. As I said above, I really don't have issue with violating fics being pulled. However, it should really be FFn's job to find those stories. By taking this upon yourself, you do very much come across as spiteful and biased. Do you report fics from your own fandom (a genuine question)?
Ok, I'm sorry I've written so much. I'll just end by saying that this is indeed fanfiction. I wish everyone would just relax and have fun.
LMAO! I know my friend sent this to me thinking I was going to find it upsetting. Instead I found someone narrow minded that wants to destroy what people enjoy. Rather than educate you have riduculed.
ReplyDeleteYour example
"The typical conversation goes somewhat like this:
- review
- angry response with 'don't read if you don't like + this is my story + i write what i want'
- my reply of 'i can't like/dislike a story without reading it first + respecting readers is a core value for a writer + guidelines prevent anarchy'
- the recipient's message 'i don't care what u think + i saw worse stories'
- my post with 'you're typing so much text telling me you don't care it sounds like you care + it's best to use better stories as an example, not worse ones'
- the already mad author 'i have a difficult life: my mother is a drunk + i really don't care what you think about me not caring (in 5 sentences)'
- the finisher 'you have written me more text saying you don't care than it is necessary to fix your whole story'
- the critic is blocked"
Is greatly amusing because you don't say what the cricism is...typically they are harsh, unwarranted, and unnecessary. That's why people begin getting upset. My favorite part of this whole thing is how you insult these people claiming,that it takes them several sentences to say their peace, when you yourself just wrote this huge ass paper and it's nothing but a complaint.
As for the "don't like, don't read part" Well that comes in when people continually read and ridicule. When I read something as soon as I find I am not liking it. I quit reading it and move on. I don't tell people your story sucks, you should have done this, I don't bother with them.
Now I normally wouldn't bother with you but I found this so hilarious I just had to say something. Good luck with your crusade.
Please remember also that most of the FFN authors are American, not Lithuanian. I write FF, I porn/smut, I love dark fics, and I probably break all the rules. I have fun doing it. I enjoy writing and I am a psychologist. As such we frequently recommend people put what they can't say into words, stories, journals, what not as a way to help themselves. It wouldn't surprise me that many people are using this not only as a hobby but also as a coping mechanism.
Now as for the darkness of these stories Twighlight and Harry Potter in particular. Well they aren't all roses and sunshine stories to begin with. Have fun but if you don't like the crap or the good stuff on ffn then quit reading it and go buy a published book at the store. I assume they have book stores where you are, if not order one off the internet.
*rolls eyes* Yay for people who think they have the right to impose their ideas!
ReplyDeleteYay for people who have the time to bully others trying to create a 'better world'.
Shall we put you on the same little box where Hittler belongs in history? Nah.. you are not worth it.
Keep going, will you? The world is SO much better with people as you running on it. Wait! You don't run. You don't have the time. You are sit on your little chair saying "Mom, people are wrong on the internet!". :*
(oh boy, now I have wasted 5 minutes of my life writing this.)
To whom this may concerns,
ReplyDeletehi there.Ok. WOW.this is incredibly sad. I'm not going to be an un-denying bitch here. You're right, we broke the guidelines, but please please tell me, who the hell reads every single lines of A PRETTY LONG guidelines. And please spare me, if you're going to say you read every line of all the guidelines you have seen. But may I ask why did you start reporting? Most of the writers do warn the readers that LEMONS = SEXUAL SCENE(S) do occur in the chapter. No, I'm not making excuse saying what we did was right, of course we still broke the guidelines, but you are spending your precious time that you could use to be counseling people or whatever you do as a psychiatrist reporting Twilight fanfiction. How sad is that, really? I think that if you are able to revaluate Twilight fandom, you can evaluate yourself too.
ReplyDeleteOn the second matter, fics that contains child molestation are reported. I've done so once or twice. No way in hell am I going to let that kind of shit going on, and I know there would be hundreds if not thousands of Twi-fanfiction readers who would agree with me on this. This fandom DO NOT, LET ME REPEAT IT TO BE IN BOLD BECAUSE I DON'T THINK YOU'RE GETTING IT, DO NOT support or encourage child molestation! I actually want to say that our fandom have fundraised a lot of money for good causes. Eg. for Haiti through the Red Cross US.
Thirdly, personally, when I was younger, below the age of 18, I would never read this kind of stories. People who have value and morals do know what they should and shouldn't do. Of course, some children are not guided, but there AUTHORS DO WARN ABOUT THE CONTENT!
Plus, how the hell did you find the scene with PENIS and VAGINA if you didn't keep reading. Seriously, most fics do not start their story with two characters HUMPING each other for dear life.
Writing is supposed to be a way to express yourself. It isn't something you can really judge. When you say that one line review means the reviewer haven't read the fic, which is completely untruthful. I have review in one line, for a small chapter or prologue. Yes, sometime I do not have time to write a detailed review, but it doesn't mean that I didn't appreciate or didn't read it. I'm sure most of the writers would agree with me, even a small feedback means a lot to them.
It is true, a construct criticism is a good thing. But you cannot just bash the writer saying things like 'your story is crap. Stop writing'. I apologize for everyone if you feel that this fandom is a disgrace in anyway. I really do. I feel like my English has improved since I started reading. Of course, I choose what I read. WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISION. I'm going to say it right here, that I don't read fics that deals with dom/sub. I'm not against the practice or the culture. I just don't feel like that's my kind of fic. But I never write hateful, or reported it, because someone out there is actually doing that in REAL LIFE. It is not wrong. If it is, are you saying MEN who watch porn are doing an illegal thing?
Personally, my friends who are mothers, do put program like 'watchdog' to protect their children from reading or seeing things that aren't for their age. So as computers are much more widely use, you have to be more careful.
Lastly, may I ask why you keep reading fics? Were you just reading it so you could report more? or did you actually enjoy it? Personally, I would not keep reading something I dislike.
I'm really sorry. I don't know what to say. This fandom is special to me and I know to others as well. I'm sorry you've come to this realization.
You know, the world would be a better place if there is less hate. What you're doing is making people disagree.
This is purely for entertainment. Nothing more.
I really hope you're going to stop putting people down. It's not fair on anyone. You have no right to do so. I'm not going to ask you to stop reporting, but I know that there's nothing I could do about it. It's your rights. I just hope that you are doing the right thing.
Here's an idea... if you don't like it, don't read it. No one ever said you had to.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for 13 yo's writing about sex, I'd rather she write about it than go out and do it. We live in a world where padded bras are sold for 4 and 5 year olds. While I'm not saying that this is cause for us all to toss our clothes and have a worldwide orgy, we are also not living in 1910.
So, instead of trying to insert yourself into the role of David, ready to slay the big bad Goliath, maybe you should start a campaign regarding parents' regulation of their children's online activities/media choices(yes, this includes the Twilight books). You'd probably be a bit more successful as the internet is far and wide with an infinite number of sites to post on and sites like twitter which are powerful "word of mouth" technologies.
see all post above me-----theres your NUTS handed to you on a silver platter you douche!!!
ReplyDeleteFFN has the site set up so that when you go to a section's page, the K-T fic's are shown. Selecting the M rating is a choice, and therefor not the writer's responsibility if you read their story or not. More often then not, I've found, the writer warns the audience that there is a lemon in the chapter, and some even include the warning at the beginning of each chapter that what they are writing about isn't for children/minor's.
ReplyDeleteA minor can easily access things far worse than some of the stuff found on FFN through Google. So don't come around, act all mighty, and expect that it will not blow up in your face, because it will.
For FFN to continue running for you to post Sonic the Hedgehog fic's, it needs advertisers to pay for the size of the site, and if the site seriously starts to limit what is and is not acceptable, according to you of course, and removes, what you feel, violates the rules, then that is less traffic. Less traffic to the site means that advertiser's have to pay less for the site to continue hosting itself.
Twilight writers will continue to post stories on different sites if FFN bows down to a bunch of hypocritical wannabe writers. These writers will move to sites specifically for Twilight fic's. Who are you going to report those fic's/sites to then?
OK, first off, whoever wrote "assclown"... I love you... LMFAO, seriously.
ReplyDeleteNow, onto the comment. I have to say, I don't get it... why is it so important for you to go after these writers who are just out there, trying to have fun?
People enjoye their stories, so what? Is that really so bad?
It's sad to me, and you seem like someone who's just trying to bully others.
Shame on you.
And FYI, I will be writing you into my next fic as Mike Newton's lover who gets decapitated by a molestation of the worst kind.
Because I can, that's why... it's called "Fantasy" for a reason.
Nice Blockwart mentality there, dude. You know what that is right? If not jfgi.
ReplyDeleteInstant Karma's gonna get you,
Gonna knock you right on the head,
You better get yourself together,
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
Oh dear. Am I the only one who thinks this guy is right?
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that you've chosen this crusade considering how much painful tragedy and ineptitude there is in the world. But I wanted to comment that one of the best things I've ever read was a story on FFn that was written by an author whose work you deem filth.
ReplyDeleteI am a writer, a teacher and a reader and I've read a lot of work; the classics, the trade fiction, history, science, biography, (not compute manuals, i refuse to read computer manuals, I think I know what is 'good work.' While many aspects of entertainment are subjective, the scaffolding which holds up a good work remains the same, despite the genre. Now let's be serious, you're not upset about writers who continually use the word bare when they mean bear. You've appointed yourself an arbiter of taste and that's censorship. Now, many peopled don't care about what happens on a completely irrelevant site like, and I know that you're going to argue that makes the rules, not you. I accept that the site has the discretion to remove work they deem unacceptable. What's wrong in all of this is your attitude that you're 'the decider.' Choice gives us the right to turn away from things we dislike but don't harm others. Please don't argue that you are saving others from filth. You don't have that right unless you sit on the Supreme Court.
Regarding the "wannabe writers" someone else mentioned: isn't that exactly what ffn is all about? If I could get published I would. This is all about the wannabees and if you don't see that you probably have a hard time getting through your day with all the righteous indignation you're fostering.
As for the 13-year-old who writes about fellatio, that's what her parents are for.
I work with almost 500 children a day. I am one for following the rules, so if these writers broke the rules then let them get caught don't tattle. It makes you look like a baby. I don't torerate tattling with the kids I work with. If they tattle everyone involved gets in trouble, the tattler and the one they are tattling about. Also if someone gets caught breaking the rules and someone else laughs about it, they get in trouble too.
ReplyDeleteAlso if you don't like Twilight why on earth would you read it or is Fan Fiction. Whatever it's your life you are wasting away by reading something you don't enjoy, not mine. I certinly wouldn't waste my time reading Sonic because frankly it's uninteresting to me.
I'm sure I've got all kinds of grammer/spelling issue in this post but I really don't care because I'm not writing a work of art. I took my three degree required English classes and never looked back. If I needed to write a paper for a math or science class I had an English major friend of mine look over it. Also you should keep in mind that pubishished author's aren't even perfect, that is why they have editors. Stop with the hate no one is perfect and certianly not you.
You're hating on a fandom, in which, the actual books contain decapitation, vampires ripping open abdomens to deliver vamp!human babies, pedophilia in the form of 'imprinting', and mass murder. That's just a few examples.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who you think you are to fight against people's right to expression. Honestly, it's pathetic and I feel sad for you. Your life must be an empty void. How else can you explain Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction? I mean, really? LMAO.
Just know, your little crusade won't last. The Twi fandom can be a scary place, but that fandom is nothing if not dedicated.
I don't know whether to be amused or disgusted that you fancy yourself so noble. You want to be a hero? Join the military, join the Peace Corps, go to Haiti and help rebuild, volunteer in your community, mentor a child. THAT is something to be proud of. What you're doing is childish and proves that you have nothing better to do with your time than play internet vigilante. Your parents must be proud. *vomit*
ReplyDeleteSTFU. You aren't Abraham Lincoln. Step down off the podium.
I think everyone here could use a box of tampons and some chocolate.
ReplyDelete"Have a nice abuse free day" is how you signed your charming little blog and yet you started it out by calling the writers of TwiFanFic..."abysmal stupidity and pig-headedness of members there". You are just dripping with kindness.
ReplyDeleteOh and lets not forget you claim to be a mental health professional, however your bio says that you're a "business speaker". So you go to the unemployment office and beg?
Well I guess a liar and self proclaimed smarty pants bully is a good representative for a group of word and book burnin wannabe nazi's.
Hey are you guys gonna go after any other groups? I am guessin no, since all your girlfriends told you to be like Edward Cullen and not Harry Potter! lol
You can try to make what you are doing "okay" however you choose to . . . and I have willingly taken my fic down and moved it to other locations that are Twi-friendly, BUT one thing I REFUSE to overlook is the verbal abuse your little group subjects fanfic writers to. You may think you have the right to do this, but I can guarantee IT IS NOT.
ReplyDeleteYes, the TOS does indeed say in Section 7B: "FanFiction.Net reserves the right to decide whether Content or a User Submission is appropriate and complies with these Terms of Service for violations other than copyright infringement or privacy law, such as, but not limited to, hate crimes, pornography, obscene or defamatory material, or excessive length. FanFiction.Net may remove such User Submissions and/or terminate a User's access for uploading such material in violation of these Terms of Service at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion." Your statements about the authors you "flame" could constitute hate crimes and/or obscene and defamatory material. A hate crime is defined as: a crime if it involves the use (or threat of use) of force. Hate crimes are intended to hurt and intimidate. Your group takes part in these types of activities. Obscene is defined as: offensive to one's feelings, lewd. Which AGAIN, your group falls under this definition. And finally, defamatory is defined as: defaming or tending to defame; slanderous. Hmmm . . . yes, yes the things your group says falls under this definition as well.
It also states in section 5F: "You understand that when using the FanFiction.Net Website, you will be exposed to User Submissions from a variety of sources, and that FanFiction.Net is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such User Submissions. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against FanFiction.Net with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold FanFiction.Net, its Owners/Operators, affiliates, and/or licensors, harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of the site." THIS MEANS THAT YOU MAY NOT LIKE THE CONTENT, YOU MAY NOT LIKE THE WAY SOMETHING IS WRITTEN, AND YOU MAY TAKE OFFENSE TO IT . . . but you have NO right to "flame" authors for such content.
If you want to get technical, we can get technical. I'm an educator, author, and parent. I refuse to bow down to your self-imposed rules when you are indeed in violation of FFn TOS yourselves.
Good day.
Hahahaha-- I'm not sure I agree with your methods, though I agree with your synopsis of the childish amateurism of Twilight fandom. The splooge on this page is just one example of how insane any kind of criticism whatsoever makes the average Twilight fan.
ReplyDeleteAnd double laughs to the commenter upthread who is faking psychiatry credentials to diagnose you-- um, honey, no real mental health professional would ever do that but you go with your bad psychology-major-in-college self.
My only problem with "Amy's" post is that she's not doing her comment any more justify by belittling another fandom, or putting her own fandom on the highest pedestal (to say it has the most beautiful stories out of any other fandom isn't a fact. It's a biased statement). You didn't need to do so to make the points you were trying to make, because the Hedgehog fandom does not simply consist of "Lord Kevin."
ReplyDeleteStop throwing that hypocrisy ball back and forth. It's not making any of you look better than what he wrote on this blog. By commenting, "You're making a jab at the Twilight section, but you write about cartoons having sex?" is pretty much the same thing as someone saying, "You like a trashy, craptastic book about sparkling vampires and abusive, masochistic relationships."
But yes.
It's quite obvious that allowing Lord Kevin to have any close connections with the staff means that the entire site is nothing but a joke. Why? Because Lord Kevin makes them look more than just, "bad." I'm shocked he's allowed to be associated with the website.
It's convinced me that the site is a complete joke purposely contradicting themselves and their policies to make its members look like idiots. Lord Kevin is a representation against everything the site was supposed to represent in itself.
I'm not against critiques. I send them, and I get them. He, however, does not understand how to give them or even the meaning of them, let alone how to make them. There's a difference between being a critic and a biased jackass. Being either one is perfectly fine, just make sure you don't get the definitions switched up. Even jackasses find him delusional, and I'm perfectly sure he knows that.
Lord Kevin is nothing but's troll with a higher vocabulary than most of those gremlins. He's a simple figment of derangement and he has our sympathy. Just because you can put lipstick and eye-shadow on a pig doesn't mean it's still not a sloppy, measly pig. I'm pretty sure he's feigning retardation on purpose.
"Unleash Your Imagination"---before we rip it to shreds and remove it from the site.
By JoAnne the Fox,
ReplyDeleteWell, Lord Kelvin, this blog is quite interesting. I agree with Hattie a lot. Still, I think that getting rid of the illiterate fanfics that don't apply to FFN's most basic rules should be ridden of. Your way however, sickens me. And Ms. Psychiatrist is right. Did you even read the twilight books? I used to hate them until I read them, now it doesn't bother me when my friends talk about it. It grates me a little, but ti seems that you just attacked the biggest "city". But I do like your description of the three fandom types. A lot of this is good, just work on your form again. By the way, ahve you heard their calling me the queen of randomness and comedy? To me, that seems a bit much, but it seems to me that you are the king beta reader of ffn, so I salute my fellow "royal".
I found this article not only highly insightful, but also entertaining. Many good points were made, and those commenting otherwise are obviously either too arrogant to see past their own stories (the "english teacher/psychiatrist?" please), or just stupid (same guy).
ReplyDeleteI'd write a longer compliment if I had the time, and so perhaps I shall do so someday soon. I definitely believe you are on track and have many great ideas.
Ironically, the long-winded comments took longer to read than the article. Time wasted? Hours.
Gracias, good sir. Go into critique as a profession and you're golden.
DrowCrazy says:
ReplyDeleteIt seriously breaks my heart that a site that was made to be a form of free expression is beginning to get as ugly as Neopets. I have taken to boycotting Neopets because of their blatant favoritism and I find my self seriously dismayed that some of my favorite stories have been deleted.
The stories are not preapproved before being posted so spelling errors or some nudity and possible sex acts are in stories, but so long as the rating is correct I don't think they should be deleted. Many an author has left the site entirely and though I don't update regularly I have began building a site on which to post my own stories.
But what does it say that things have actually come to the point that we have to seek an alternative outlet to a site that has been a part of my life fore nearly six years now?